Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today was a bit of a tough day for me. Yesterday was my nine year anniversary of when I first lost my hair. And I took a "self care" day yesterday to go on a drive, and spoil myself on a massage ;) During that time I was trying to allow myself to "get it out" emotionally of all that I was thinking. Well, trying to force myself to cry about it, really didn't work. I thought tomyself, maybe I have done enough crying about it. Maybe I am finally over it. Sure enough- I get to Glide. And start journaling as I am waiting for a meeting to start, and there it goes the waterworks. And all I could think of was "why today- I was suppose to do this yesterday- I gotta get to work. Why now? I scheduled this for yesterday. Bad timing." What ever happened to God's time, spirit time, emotion time. Letting it work out naturally. heather have you really settled upon set calendars even to feel. How about drop your blinds protecting you from honesty. Do not be affraid to say I am bald and this sucks.

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