Thursday, December 10, 2009

Like Tumbleweeds they keep going

In recent news, Glide Church was featured in an article and there was much debate of intentionality of the Glide way. And being present there just over the past few months I see how far Glide has help me push through barriers that I held for myself to hide behind. Glide pushed me to build the confidence that I was just too scared to show and that I already possessed. It is a space for questions, when we need it the most: in times when we think that we are alright- there is a strive to keep diving inward. Glide brings out the "you are" that one always had but was not in an accepting or comfortable environment to all for expression. For examply, everytime I stunt myself at Glide- because I am too scared to get to "work" (emotional or physical) it gets pushed back on me with the "try again" button. And it is my confidence that is built and hope that I can strive for something better- this is what Glide gives me and many I feel. I was disappointed that the article refered to Cecil Williams as a "poverty pimp". I feel that this is a misjudge of character- and I am sure that the congregation was more upset by this misinterpretation of CW than himself.

But I think there is an important silver lining in this story. There is still work to be done. And that article and the comments that followed are the work that needs to be done towards social justice. A few posts ago- I wrote about an experience on a sunday when a man suggested he was horny over my bald head. I wrote about the violation that took place, and I realized that that was an example of the work yet to be done. And without that blatent example of sexual violation and inappropriate behavior where would we b- complaining about invisible issues- and that would be no good. So if their is going to be violations and injustices against women, lessening poverty, whatever the example is... Let's get it on the table- out in the day light. Bring everyone to the welcome table as Glide speaks of. What I admire the most about Glide is their Speakout programs on Wednesday nights... It is a chance to tell the truth. And in all honesty- a lot of the time the truth- is people saying Cecil and Janice- I don't like this- and here is my honesty. And they are heard. So if all of the comments from would like to come to Glide on a wednesday night- they would be appreciated and loved. Because the truth will set you free.

Yes, I am a Glidian Advocate. And I support the work of no hiding, I support the process of recovery in people and especially in my self. We all have a story to tell and it can be honored and heard all at one community table. And we can change.

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