Friday, September 18, 2009

Change and a call for vocation.

"Everyone has a vocation- a calling"

this has been on my mind this week. Since starting a new job I realized that I should never settle for something that does not have a drive of passion in me. I realize that I am meant to do a certain type of work, and live uniquely for me. For a while I was questioning this whole road and choices I have been taking with school, jobs, relationships, and I realize the such great purpose that is in me- that I need to listen to and follow. For example with Alopecia- it has been a hardship and it continues to challenge me, but in the long run it has given me direction, a questioning for something greater, it gave me my life back and an identity of social justice to always keep striving for, even if the storms may come my way. It is time to walk the talk. And I am so there.

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