Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Beginnings

Name games and introductions, ah sometimes I really hate them. I suppose I have the ultimate- what is one thing you don't know about me. Sometimes, I don't want to say. But others I want to shout it to the world, that I have Alopecia Areata. So identity how much of it changes over a lifespan. For example, student. I went back to being a student again today and how much awkwardness yet excitement rests in that ten minutes before class, when everyone silently sits there, grabbing at their cell (pretending to turn it off), but in actuality you are just deleting the messages from your inbox to avoid at all costs the need to strike up a conversation with someone else. I did a name game today in class and I grinded my teeth and had an internal groan- but my professor said something a little insightful- "I have gone through an entire class and not meeting anyone- it's sad don't you think?" And I realized something- I never want to be all up in someone's business, espcially a stranger- but at that moment I thought: "How true!" Why aren't we talking. I think if there were more communication in this world- there would be a lot more mobility to see change. It is so easy for me to want my cave time (or what ever sex stereotype it is for a woman needing solitude) and hide from the world, and say I will do that later. But really the time is now. And I really like putting my thoughts down, because somehow I feel this is action, and I feel like it is giving me a little more courage to talk with others in those awkward 10 minutes before class.

Today was about new environments and going back to being a student. I felt in the open and a little nervous, a wee bit tired, but so excited to learn.

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