Friday, December 9, 2011

In a Christmas Tradition I want a little more umph of love, living, and community

A few years back I was honored to be a teacher to some amazing kids. I was digging through some old papers and I found some notes on Kwanzaa. Let me just tell you Kwanzaa kicks ass and that is the kind of rejuvenation I need in my life, culture, and soul.

Dec. 26-Jan 1

There are seven principles:
1) Umoja- Unity
2) Kujichagulia- Self determination
3) Ujima- Collective work and responsibility
4) Ujamaa- cooperative economics
5) Nia- purpose
6) Kuumbe- creativity
7) Imani- Faith

These principles is really jiving with where I am at in life. And needing a little something something. Christmas get ready because the meaning boys are back in town.